
Advocating for safe, affordable housing for all Americans.

Our government’s one-size-fits-all approach to housing reduces Americans’ freedom to choose where and how they live. Through common-sense policy that addresses the core of the problem, we can ensure better housing solutions.

What's Wrong


71% of low-income Americans spend more than 50% of their income on rent and utilities.

Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition, “The Gap Report,” 2020


Only 53% of families “rapidly rehoused” between 2009 and 2012 remained housed after rental assistance ended.

Source: Homestretch


America’s churches and faith communities are an untapped resource for affordable housing capable of building thousands of homes.

Source: American Journal of Public Health

But we can do better. Our scholarship points the way to a more prosperous future.

America needs a CURE.


Homelessness in America

A Public Concern & Moral Hazard

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education is a policy and research center that seeks free-market solutions to provide education, employment, healthcare, and the opportunity for black families to grow and their communities to flourish.

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