
Speaking into racial and cultural issues with messages of faith, hope and charity.

Today, racial and cultural divisions continue to separate us. We believe the answer to these problems does not come through policies of revenge and redistribution, but through repentance and restoration that will truly heal our land.

What's Wrong


48% of black children are living in a home headed by a single parent.

Source: The State of Black America


Black children in homes headed by single parents are about 3.5 times more likely to be living in poverty compared to black children living with two parents in a first marriage.

Source: The State of Black America


36% of black Americans state that they have no retirement savings or pension whatsoever.

Source: The State of Black America

But we can do better. Our scholarship points the way to a more prosperous future.

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education is a policy and research center that seeks free-market solutions to provide education, employment, healthcare, and the opportunity for black families to grow and their communities to flourish.

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