Star Parker Presents Uncovering the Lie of Emotional Voting at Comeback California 2022
For immediate release: May 9, 2022
Washington, D.C. – CURE President and Founder Star Parker spoke at the Comeback California 2022 conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills last month. Her talk, “Uncovering the Lie of Emotional Voting,” was an important wake-up call for conservatives in California to be wary of the Left’s false appeal to Christian compassion.
Star shared her testimony, and applied Biblical principles to some of the biggest social problems facing Americans today. She explained how statism, sex and gender ideology, and racial resentment are un-Christian, no matter how they attempt to exploit believers. “It’s a direct attack on the creator,” said Star, “who told us what we need to do.”
The conference also featured conservative luminaries like gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder, SCOTUS plaintiff and school reformer Rebecca Friedrichs, and Calvary Chapel pastor Jack Hibbs.
You can watch the full video of Star’s talk below.
CURE is a policy and research center dedicated to fighting poverty and restoring dignity through messages of faith, freedom, and personal responsibility. CURE seeks free-market solutions to provide education, employment, healthcare, and the opportunity for black families to grow and their communities to flourish.
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