
Solutions For Overcoming Poverty

For immediate release: December 10, 2021

CURE joins Former SC Gov. Nikki Haley on policy plan that will help Americans thrive

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) a policy and research center dedicated to fighting poverty and seeking solutions for black families to grow and their communities, joined former Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, in releasing a new policy book: American Strength: Conservative Solutions Worth Fighting For.  CURE contributed an essay to the book offering key answers for building long-term wealth in poor communities.

The book, published by Stand for America, includes essays from Ambassador Haley and other conservative leaders like Newt Gingrich, Sen. Tim Scott, Sen. Pat Toomey, Rep. Tony Gonzales and many others that offer remedies to America’s biggest problems in domestic and foreign policies. 

CURE’s essay “Overcoming Poverty and Building Long-Term Wealth” gives the history of welfare dependency in the nation’s most distressed communities and how progressives continue to offer government solutions that continue that perpetuate the problem. 

“Today’s progressives want to blame racism for the persistence of problems in low-income communities,” writes Star Parker, Founder and President of CURE and a former recipient of welfare.  “It is their own misguided bigotry that refuses to accept that low-income Americans can and must be free.”

With the right set of policies and incentives: educational freedom, providing real housing choices, economic opportunity through ownership with minimal interference by government, and a culture that embraces personal responsibility, Americans of all races can make substantial progress.

“And the problem of family breakdown is afflicting the whole nation. It just happens to be hitting many black communities particularly hard. Poverty is excessive in households of all races that are headed by single women. Blacks just happen to have the highest percentage of households headed by single women,” writes Parker.

“Now is the time to steer our country back toward more liberty, less government, and greater leadership on the world stage, says Amb. Haley. America is a country of boundless optimism and limitless opportunity for all. We cannot let that promise slip away or stay out of reach for so much as one person.” 

CURE is a policy and research center dedicated to fighting poverty and restoring dignity through messages of faith, freedom and personal responsibility. CURE seeks free-market solutions to provide education, employment, healthcare and the opportunity for black families to grow and their communities to flourish.

The policy report can be found at Stand for America. For more information about CURE, go to www.curepolicy.org.                                     ##

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