
Working to heal distressed communities.

Community-building is hard work. We start with policies that give people freedom to flourish.

Featured Event

2023 CURE Clergy National Policy Summit

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) held its annual CURE Clergy National Policy Summit, an in-person private gathering that convened pastors from distressed communities to learn from each other and share ideas with a distinguished list of speakers and guests. This year's theme was "Restoring Truth and Advancing Freedom."


Housing is a basic human necessity, but the federal government is ill-equipped to regulate it. We think that local governments should write housing policies that fit their own communities and that individuals should have optimal freedom to decide where and how they live.

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  • The homelessness problem in some large American cities is continuing to grow even though it appears to be mitigating in other parts of the country and nationally. What can we do about it?

  • It was the right move by the Trump administration to eliminate this inappropriate assault on the most basic American freedom to choose where and how one wants to live.


Many children in urban communities are tied to failing school systems that provide little incentive for reform. School choice gives children the best opportunity to flourish and reduces the burden on taxpayers and low-income families alike.

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  • This report finds that K-12 education in the United States is far from what it should or could be. As a nation we are underperforming by international standards.


We believe it is possible to insist on healthcare for all and a free healthcare market. A system of private insurance backstopped by public insurance maintains the quality and accessibility of healthcare while providing a safety net for the most vulnerable.

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  • This report seeks to examine the issue of abortion in the hope that Congress and state legislatures investigate the physical, legal, cultural, and economic harm abortion has caused to our nation – including the Black community. We also urge Congress and the states to take the initiative to protect unborn children of all races to the maximum extent possible, especially as the courts release legislatures from outdated and erroneous legal precedents.


Over the last sixty years, progressive economic policies have done significant damage to poor urban communities. It’s time to find a better way. We embrace the principles of free enterprise and personal responsibility in order to lift up the most vulnerable in our society.

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  • It is one of the unfortunate ironies coming out of the Biden administration that, with all the obsession about so-called equity, policies they are putting forth will only hurt the very low-income Americans they pretend to want to help.

  • Public policy should not be focused on inequality. Public policy should be focused on assuring conditions that allow every citizen to maximize their individual potential and ability to participate to the greatest extent possible in the economic growth and opportunity that is being created.

Race & Culture

The current fixation on race poisons our culture, foments division, and fails to offer real policy solutions to address the needs of our most distressed communities. We reject the language of racial division and work to reinforce a common culture united by our country’s founding principles of faith and freedom as the best hope for all Americans.

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  • There is value in understanding the attitudes and political behavior of our major target population – black Americans – so we best know how to present and advance this agenda with this population. This is also a topic of interest to many Americans that can help inform public debate and policy solutions.

The Latest CURE America Episode

Our weekly TV show transcends the noise of the news to bring you thoughtful conservative analysis on politics, policy, and culture.

Pro-Life Warriors: Ohio Edition

This week on CURE America with Star Parker, we take you out of the studio to the Conservative Partnership Institute, where we meet a coalition called the “Protect Women Ohio,” and hear about the fight in the next battleground for the pro-life movement. Star sits down with Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), who is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to get a sense of the current setting of pro-life consensus in the state of Ohio. Peter Range and Molly Smith, leaders in the fight to save the sanctity of unborn life in Ohio, take us through the road that’s…


The Trans Youth Phenomenon: Critiques & Hard Questions

Read CURE's co-authored report on the fast moving practice of child gender medical practices

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CURE's Newest Policy Report

Will the future be one of unity and equal opportunity or one of division and government manipulation....

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