
Star Parker: Woke Military Ideology Putting National Security At Risk

August 12, 2022

CURE Founder and President Star Parker, contributing a segment for Straight Arrow News, discussed how the woke ideology permeating from our military and the Biden administration is putting our country’s national security at risk.

In the midst of all the chaos we are hearing with Russia invading Ukraine, with threats from China, this is an important time to re-examine the readiness of our military. Unfortunately, the infecting culture that continues to quickly perverse the airwaves of our nation, also made its way to our military. The “woke” military ideology, that so many current and veteran service members have been raising the alarm on, is damaging to our national security.

According to military leaders, recruitment for our armed forces is down. Way down. So far down that it is comparable to low recruitment numbers following the Vietnam War. U.S. House Representative Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, one of the Republican leaders in military personnel policy in Congress, has said that “we are on the cusp of a military recruiting crisis. When Republicans take control of Congress in a few months, averting the recruiting crisis will be a top priority.”

Watch the full segment here.

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