
Raheem Williams Talks Book Bans on Houston's KTRH News Radio

March 23, 2023

CURE’s policy analyst, Raheem Williams, was asked to briefly join Houston’s KTRH News Radio AM 740 with Corey Olson to discuss his recent op-ed in The Federalist, “No, Age-Appropriate Library Restrictions Are Not ‘Book Bans.”

“At the same time the left and sympathetic media outlets are whining about so-called book bans, some public libraries that hosted drag queen story time turned away Christian actor Kirk Cameron when he tried to promote his faith-based children’s books. ‘They don’t care when Christian authors or conservative authors are shut out of schools and public libraries,” says Williams. “There’s no fuss over at CNN or MSNBC about that.”

You can listen to Raheem on KTRH here.

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