LETTER: CURE Urges Senate to Oppose H.R. 8404
For immediate release: July 21, 2022
Dear Senator:
The Senate may soon consider H.R. 8404, the “Right to Marriage Act.” We believe this bill is being promoted under false pretenses and urge you to oppose it.
In a July 18th press release, the House Majority Leader made a straw man argument that the U.S. Supreme Court might overturn Loving v. Virginia, the 1967 decision affirming the right of interracial marriage. Other same-sex marriage advocates have invoked the Loving decision in their arguments.
The Civil Rights Act and the 14th Amendment clearly forbid racial discrimination. Justice
Clarence Thomas did not suggest reconsideration of Loving v. Virginia in his recent Dobbs opinion. Attempts to link him to the notion that the Supreme Court might overturn Loving are even more preposterous when you consider that Justice Thomas has an interracial marriage.
Black Americans, especially churchgoing Blacks, do not support same-sex marriage at the same rate as White Americans. Black Americans attend religious services at a higher rate than White Americans, which may help explain why some partisan advocates of same-sex marriage make a misleading racial argument about marriage to advance their agenda.
Despite the inability of some advocates to define the word “woman,” the American people know that children are created through the union of one man and one woman. Social science research has consistently shown that children generally do better when they are raised by a mother and a father who are married to one another and committed to the care of their children.
Many religions affirm that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. The House denied application of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act when it passed the “Equality Act” in 2021. Accordingly, there is no reason to believe that advocates will respect the right of religious Americans – regardless of their sex, race, ethnicity or national origin – to decline participation in same-sex marriage ceremonies (e.g., photographers, wedding planners) when federal law is moving in a direction that is hostile to religious believers and their conscience rights.
H.R. 8404 represents an inappropriate exercise of Federal authority and provides no protection for those whose religious beliefs do not conform to the cultural agenda of partisan advocates. We urge you to oppose this ill-advised legislation.
Star Parker – President
Marty Dannenfelser – Vice President, Government Relations and Coalitions