
LETTER: CURE Urges Congress to oppose the FY 2022 Budget Resolution

For immediate release: August 24, 2021

The following letter was distributed to members of Congress regarding FY 2022 Budget Resolution (S.Con.Res. 14)

August 24, 2021

Dear Representative:

The House will vote today on ‘deeming’ the FY 2022 Budget Resolution (S.Con.Res. 14) passed by adoption of a rule to consider separate legislation. We urge you to oppose this cynical tactic that is designed to avoid accountability for an irresponsible vote.

The FY 2022 Budget Resolution, which also sets budgetary levels for FY 2023 through FY 2031, facilitates passage of the largest expansion of government in a generation, creating massive government dependency that will keep Americans from succeeding.

This past Sunday, August 22, marked the 25th anniversary of President Bill Clinton signing bipartisan welfare reform legislation into law. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (P.L. 104-193) required most welfare recipients to work and limited the amount of welfare people could receive. It provided a pathway out of government dependency — toward employment and independence.

Following passage of this landmark legislation, child poverty fell, dependency shrunk, and millions of Americans moved from welfare to the dignity of work. This budget resolution will take us in the opposite direction, setting a path that is destructive to our national culture and economic well-being.

Rather than supporting working families, the Administration and liberals in Congress propose to transform the child tax credit into a “government child allowance” that gives cash to parents who aren’t working. In doing so, they are bringing back the failed welfare policies of the 1990’s that then-Senator Biden and other senators opposed.

The ensuing budget reconciliation bill will destroy America’s domestic fossil fuel industry. Not only will this eliminate good American jobs, it will make America more reliant on hostile nations for our energy needs. This will cause a major rise in gas and electricity prices for those who can least afford it – low-income Americans.

We urge you to oppose this rule and budget. Congress should work to reduce the role of government in our lives and expand individual freedom and personal responsibility.


Star Parker, President

Marty Dannenfelser, Director of Governmental Relations

Rev. Tim Latiff, Director of Clergy Center

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