CURE Press Conference Opposes Biden’s Black-Focused Abortion Push
For immediate release: July 13, 2022
By asserting that black communities “need” more abortion, President Biden and Democrats in Congress reveal a sinister agenda.
Washington, D.C. – On Monday, CURE founder and president Star Parker convened a joint press conference with black leaders, thinkers, and scholars to celebrate the reversal of Roe v. Wade and to condemn the plans by President Biden and Congress to push federal legislation that would enforce nationwide abortion on demand up to the moment of birth.
Along with Star Parker, the speakers included Human Coalition Vice President Rev. Dean Nelson, National Black Pro-Life Union Vice President Rev. Robert Solomon, Sisters for Life President and CURE Board Member Angela Minter, Radiance Foundation Co-Founder Ryan Bomberger, and Liberty Counsel Action Senior Counsel Jonathan Alexandre.
“Today we’re here to represent black pro-life leaders all around the country, who are here in heart, who have worked tirelessly in the trenches to stop the killing of our legacy,” said Parker in her opening statement.
Based on the recent CURE report “The Impact of Abortion on the Black Community,” Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, disproportionately targets black neighborhoods with 79% of its locations. Biden and Democrats in Congress may claim that their so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022” is legislative compassion, but it’s really a plan to enable the slaughter of black Americans.
Jonathan Alexandre ended the conference with a challenge to President Biden: “You just can’t leave well enough alone, can you? There is a culture of life resurging in our country.”
No matter what level of abortion extremism that Biden or the Democrats in Congress sink to next, CURE and our allies will be standing in the way. By educating and empowering the black community to resist the genocide of abortion, we can change America into a nation where killing the unborn is unthinkable.
CURE is a policy and research center dedicated to fighting poverty and restoring dignity through messages of faith, freedom and personal responsibility.
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