In this episode of Power, Poverty & Politics – Star Parker sits down with CURE National Policy Summit keynote speaker former United States Attorney General Bill Barr to talk about what he calls his "legacy issue" of freedom of choice education, and what legal remedies exist for parents to maximize educational choice for their children.
In this episode of Power, Poverty & Politics – Star Parker sits down with CURE National Policy Summit keynote speaker Nikki Haley about her time as Governor of South Carolina. Nikki Haley discusses difficult moments from her tenure that offered the opportunity to heal deep, longstanding divisions within communities and empower the people to be heard.
In this episode of Power, Poverty & Politics – Star Parker takes a look at the Census Bureau's annual report and how it shows that America is still working, and its people are moving up the ladder and creating wealth in spite of big government. This is a vastly different picture than what we hear from those on the left who say that Americans need government handouts to get ahead.
In this episode of Power, Poverty & Politics – Star Parker shares her thoughts on Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, who made a rare speech last week at the University of Notre Dame, sharing the story of how his unique journey through life brought him to a better understanding of what America truly is, guided by his belief in the Declaration of Independence.
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