
Medicare & Medicaid: A Bitter Pill to Swallow

Grace-Marie Turner is a leading mind when it comes to free-market ideas for health policy reform. In leading the fundamentally needed change that is required on these issues, she’s widely recognized as one of the most influential people in Washington, D.C.

This week on CURE America with Star Parker, Star sits down with Grace-Marie for a long discussion to dive into the issues afflicting Medicaid expansion and Medicare. The Founder and President of the Galen Institute, Grace-Marie takes us through the history that led us here, analyzing the current government waste that continues to get worse, and what solutions are needed to pull through towards better healthcare at a better cost, providing freedom and choice counter to dominion and control of government.

Richard Manning and Jonathan Alexandre are back, discussing what began with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the problems that have persisted towards government waste and dependency that have run rampant. Star and Richard also take time to provide exciting news – the coming update of their 2019 book “Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why This Is Good News for America.”

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